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- Learning SAS: How to create Summary Dataset using PROC MEANS
Posted by : Netbloggy
Friday, October 2, 2015
As we mentioned in the previous post, PROC MEANS is our handy option to create a new summary dataset that can be used in other data steps or Procedures. Here we'll show how to create a summary dataset using PROC MEANS.
Using the SAS data set College, create a summary data set (call it Class_Summary) containing the n, mean, and median of ClassRank and GPA for each value of SchoolSize. Use a CLASS statement and be sure that the summary data set only contains statistics for each level of SchoolSize. Use the AUTONAME option to name the variables in this data set.
/* create summary dataset from proc means */ /* NWAY to display only the Schoolsize level type */ proc means data=A15001.A01_College NOPRINT NWAY; CLASS SchoolSize; var ClassRank GPA; Output out=A15001.A01_Class_Summary N=Mean=Median= /Autoname; run; Title 'Grouped Summary Statistics of ClassRank & GPA by Schoolsize'; proc print data=A15001.A01_Class_summary; run; Title;
- How to efficiently use PROC MEANS to create a summary dataset
- What's the purpose of NWAY option in PROC MEANS
- How to automatically name the variables in the newly created Summary dataset